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Location of our data centers

Our various data centers, all Tier III level worldwide, allow you to deploy your services as close as possible to your clientele, securely.

Nos datacenters

Découvrez nos centres de données de niveau Tier III, garantissant une disponibilité maximale répartis sur plusieurs localisation à travers le monde..

Guadeloupe, Baie-Mahault

France, Montpellier

Dedicated internet access directly from one of the world's largest backbone providers (Cogent AS174). Cogent data centers are known for providing an environment where connectivity, availability, security, and performance are top priorities.

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Guadeloupe, Baie-Mahault

Guadeloupe, Baie-Mahault

The Moudong data center in Guadeloupe offers access to a secure environment in the Caribbean, with the capacity to ensure both electrical and climatic continuity.

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Our technologies

We have chosen to only use equipment and technologies recognized for their reliability, in order to allow you to benefit from the best possible experience.